The complex negotiation between reality, history and the prevailing circumstances surrounding the uncertainty situation of genocide survivors continue to present challenges which entails immediate addressing lest of which would cause a high number of unpredictable members of the society.

IBUKA which literally means "Remember”, is an umbrella organization of survivors, associations, concerned individuals and other organizations that fight against the genocide and its effects onto survivors thereby contributing to the rehabilitation of survivors and Rwanda  society  in general. IBUKA is an independent, non-profit organization created in 1995, and legally recognized by the government of Rwanda in 2001. By remembering the past, we help the survivors in bridging the past and the future which will help the generations to come so that they may live in peace. IBUKA’s work focuses on following themes:

● Justice

● Memory

● Peace-building

● Supporting genocide survivors (Social well being of survivors, psycho social support)


Providing advocacy with the survivors and monitoring all the activities engaged in problem solving of the challenges faced by survivors.


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Following the 1994 genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi, Rwanda, as a country, faced a multitude of challenges. In particular, many survivors were left with broken families, homeless orphans, bodies scattered in many places of the country, extreme poverty, psychological trauma, and were unable to afford the fees associated with attending school which caused extreme trauma to survivors.
Out of this physical and emotional rubble, survivors joined each other to offer help: family to family, village to village, and organization to organization. So in December 1995 after it was noticed that different associations of survivors were often working inconsistently and uncoordinated. They therefore decided to join their efforts and created a coordination structure and named it “IBUKA”.



Preserve the genocide memory by: Making the widest possible documentation on the 1994 genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi; Fighting against any divisionism and exclusivist ideology; Fighting negativism and revisionism; and Setting- up a documentation center on the genocide (still seeking people to partner with us on this valuable project).


Ensure assistance to the genocide survivors. Advocating for children orphaned by the genocide to get education facilities; Find shelter for the most vulnerable; Health care for the physically disabled as a result of the genocide; Material assistance as well as support for economic and social development to boost their living conditions.


Ensure legal and judicial assistance to the genocide survivors in administrative and judicial instances